Custom Curriculum

Targhee Fire uses a variety of proven, internationally recognized training programs including International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and International Fire Service Training Association (IFSTA).

Additionally, Targhee additionally creates custom, outcome-based curriculum to meet the unique needs of agencies and organizations.

Programs such as “Wildland Urban Interface Fire Suppression, An Introduction to Wildfire Risk Management and WUI Strategies and Tactics” researched created for the State of Washington (U.S.) and “Organizational Leadership in the Fire Services” written for Lagos State Fire Services (Nigeria) represent training courses written for a specific audience.

Targhee staff are internationally certified in educational research to develop training programs and verify their efficacy.

Consulting & Equipment

Independent apparatus design consulting and equipment.

We work closely with our clients and their stakeholders to identify their agency’s unique needs in emergency response apparatus and equipment.

It is vital that equipment and apparatus not only serve the unique needs of their operating environment but are practical to use.

We synthesize:

  1. The risks and challenges of the response area;
  2. Operations personnel;
  3. Maintenance resources;
  4. Training resources;
  5. Program sustainability;
  6. Regulatory and rating requirements;
  7. Agency financial and funding resources.

These services are performed for a flat fee, independent of any manufacturer or sales program.

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